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About Uncrossing Work

Our daily lives are full of movement and interaction. We travel to work where we interact with countless people during the day. We visit our friends and family and discuss our joys and worries. We travel to the bank, to the post office, to the grocery store and we interact with all the various energies that exist within these spaces. As we interact with those positive and negative energies, we are simultaneously affected by them.

 You can imagine this concept as a boat floating in the middle of the ocean. The boat is either balanced and peaceful or imbalanced and unstable depending on waves of the ocean around it. Similarly, the energy that you interact with can have a balancing or imbalancing affect on you. Unfortunately as an adult in our society, we often have less time to focus on positive energies leaving us to deal with stressful situations which often carry heavier negative energies. 

Over time, negative energy can attach itself to our spirits and compound within us. Like a boat floating in the middle of the ocean, you can only be beaten around by negative waves for so long before you break. Whenever we experience the symptoms of built up negativity energies, we call it a crossed condition, this where uncrossing methods come into play.

Uncrossing is an umbrella term used to describe any spiritual methods used to correct a build up of negative energy. There are three main ways one can become “crossed” and in need of an uncrossing. The first and most traditional is by being cursed or hexed. This is when negativity is sent by a practitioner in your direction. The second is by “stepping in something”. This is when you inadvertently are exposed to negative energy in your daily routine. The last way, and most common is by intentionally placing yourself in negative situations.

Although there is a big difference in how these conditions come about, the methods to correct them are often the same. The following is a short list of how one can incorporate uncrossing to create balance.

In the tradition of Hoodoo, performing an uncrossing ritual is believed to remove negative energy or crossed conditions that may be affecting a person's life.

While specific practices may vary, here are some common steps involved in performing an uncrossing ritual:

1. Cleansing Bath: Begin by taking a cleansing bath with herbs and ingredients believed to have purifying properties. Common choices include hyssop, rue, or salt. The bath is meant to spiritually cleanse and prepare you for the uncrossing ritual.

2. Uncrossing Candle: Light an uncrossing candle, typically a black candle, and focus your intentions on removing any negative energy or crossed conditions. You can anoint the candle with uncrossing oil, a blend of essential oils associated with cleansing and removing negativity.

3. Prayer or Affirmation: Recite a prayer or affirmation that aligns with your intentions. You may ask for the removal of any negative influences or obstacles in your life. State your desires clearly and sincerely.

4. Smoke Cleansing: Use sacred smoke from herbs such as sage, cedar, or frankincense to cleanse yourself and your surroundings. Move the smoke around your body or the affected area, visualizing the negative energy dissipating.

5. Bathing Ritual: Prepare a basin of water infused with herbs or spiritual ingredients like Florida water. Dip a clean cloth into the water and gently rub it on your body, starting from the head and moving downward. As you do this, imagine the water washing away any negative energy or crossed conditions.

6. Protective Measures: After the uncrossing ritual, it's important to protect yourself from further negativity. This can be done by carrying a protective amulet, such as a mojo bag filled with herbs or crystals, or by creating a personal talisman or charm for ongoing protection.

Remember, Hoodoo practices can vary, and it's important to adapt the ritual to your own beliefs and preferences. If you're new to these practices or have specific concerns, it can be helpful to consult with an experienced practitioner or do further research to ensure you perform the ritual in a manner that resonates with you.

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